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[国际教育学院]放飞梦想 中国传统文化体验月——手绘风筝

发布时间:2018-10-16     点击:

深秋的哈油校园,到处弥漫着收获的气息。国际教育学院组织在校外国留学生进行手绘风筝活动。 留学生在了解了我国风筝历史文化知识及制作过程之后,饶有兴趣地动手制作起风筝来,构思、着色,一个个鲜艳亮丽的蝴蝶、展翅飞翔的雄鹰、生猛威武的东北虎在留学生手中鲜活起来。除了在风筝上写上汉字,还有留学生将中国龙和自己国家具有特色的图案绘制在风筝上。大家想通过这种形式传递热爱中国文化的情感。




In the late autumn, the campus of HIP is full of harvesting atmosphere. The International Education Institute organized foreign students to carry out hand-painted kites. After learning about the history and culture, and the production process of Chinese kite, the international students have been interested in making kites. Through conceiving and coloring, the bright and beautiful butterflies, the flying eagle, and the mighty northeast tiger are live in the hands of foreign students. In addition to writing Chinese characters on kites, there are also the international students who draw pictures of Chinese dragons and their own national characteristics on kites. Everyone wants to convey the love of Chinese culture through this form.

After making the kites, the international students came to the beautiful campus of HIP and flied the kites made by themselves.

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