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  • 剪裁创意 品味文化 中国传统文化体验月——剪纸

    发布日期:2018-10-22     作者:白雪     点击:






    The Month of Chinese Traditional Culture——Paper-cut by Foreign Students

    On 18th October, a traditional cultural course began at the College of International Education. It was paper-cut, which was a traditional and widespread art form. The art of paper-cut embodies the intelligence of Chinese People and Aesthetic preference. At first, students from different countries were curious about this. With the teacher's explanation of paper-cut, the students began to show great interest about it, but everything was difficult at the beginning and the students were all perplexed. However, in order to better understand the Chinese culture, they finally overcame one obstacle after another under the careful instruction of the teacher and did it better. The students were smiling with their beloved paper-cut in their hands.

    With the rapid growth of the number of foreign students at HIP, the College of International Education is also actively thinking about innovative ways and help international students to integrate into China's learning environment and know Chinese traditional culture better. In the future, we will also carry out rich and colorful similar cultural experience activities to let foreign students feel the charm of Chinese culture.

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